Monday, February 25, 2008

Home again.

I tore myself away from my daughter's house on Sunday for the five hour drive home. Boy was that hard! I cleverly planned my return on the last day of a Quilt Fair that was going on near my home. It proved to be a good "carrot". Otherwise, I probably would have stayed on and on until they got tired of feeding me.

There was a vendor at the Fair who is there every year who makes gorgeous button jewelry. I bought this pin and card, and these nice old buttons from her. Her name is Debra Heisel and her e-mail address is I was sad to learn that she doesn't have a website, or an ETSY shop. Seems like there are a lot of craftspeople out there that say, "I'm just not good with computers." Something should be done about this, don't you agree?

When I arrived there were only 45 minutes left before the fair closed, so there were a lot of things I just didn't have time to see. I did benefit from the "fill a bag for a dollar" sale at the local quilters' guild booth. I grabbed a pile of quilting magazines with tons of inspiration in them, as well as a few interesting fabric scraps.

Good reading material for when I am missing my daughter and her sweet family.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Back to busy.

Wow! What happened to the last two weeks? I am feeling all better. (Thanks for all the well wishes.) We got to spend a couple of days with the new baby, and today, I am tying up loose ends so that I can go back for a few days and help out with chores and hold the baby some more. He is very sweet and cute.

My apologies to Angie over at Slipcover Diva. She tagged me a couple of weeks ago to list 7 weird things about myself (and pass it on). It's funny that even though I think of myself as "weird" in general, I'm having a hard time coming up with 7 isolated facts.

1. Even though I have an intense love for chairs, I usually have a hard time sitting still. If it weren't for TV and the need to sit at a table, computer, or sewing machine, I might never sit down!

2. At yard sales, I'm equally drawn to the tools and the frilly stuff.

3. I spend way more time gathering crafting supplies than actually doing any crafting. (Sad!)

4. I have unusual tastes. I often like things that are out of the ordinary, thus my fear of giving decorating advice to my sewing customers.

5. I love canned spinich. (The kind Popeye eats.)

6. I save dryer lint. But wait..hear me out...only when it is one solid pretty color from washing a big piece of fabric. I have hopes of making paper out of it. When I was homeschooling my kids we did some paper-making, and for the limited effort, the outcome is very satifying. But there I go again, gathering supplies.....

7. I enjoy ironing while listening to news radio. I guess I'm a news junkie.

Well, hopefully you aren't too weirded out by my "weird list". And due to my long list of things to do today, I will have to pass on passing it on. I probably won't be doing any posting the rest of the week either. Take Care.

Friday, February 8, 2008

good news, bad news....

The GOOD news is: My daughter over at Paper Pony gave birth to our first grandchild. Yea!

The BAD news is : I am too sick with a virus to go and see them and hold the sweet little thing, or stroke my daughter's hair.

The GOOD news is: I will get better soon.

The BAD news is: My voice is so hoarse that I can't even talk to her on the phone.

The GOOD news is: When we do get there to see them, they will be rested up a little (we hope) and will enjoy our visit more.

Friday, February 1, 2008

simple pleasures

When my January/February issue of Victoria, as well as another magazine or two, arrived in the middle of December, I stuck them in my storage ottoman without looking at them. Sitting down with a magazine right before the holidays was just not on my schedule. It was a nice treat to find them a couple of evenings ago.

This picture from an article on handmade expressions of affection gave me an idea for my thrifted goodies from my last post. I wanted to put some little daisies from my yard in it, but have to find one of those cute little tubes. This actually makes me think about when I was in high school and had a job working in my dad's lab washing test tubes, and doing other laboratory chores. (His lab was part of a medical clinic. It wasn't down in the basement of our home or anything like that!)

The strawberries are a project from the past, filled with lavender, tied onto vintage seam binding.