Thursday, March 10, 2011

Along the way.

I recently spent 11 days at my daughter’s house, hoping to be there for the birth of their second baby. I got to spend a  lot of quality time with my 3 year old grandson while she finished up some work. (She is a talented wedding photographer and also designs albums digitally for other photographers.)


One day we went for a drive looking looking for snow. We met up with another family and went for a beautiful hike. We didn’t find snow, but ended up at a gorgeous waterfall and found acorns along the path. I got some great pictures that I will attempt to paint.

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I have always been a fan of Salley Mavor who does magical things with wool felt and embroidery. I mentioned to one of the two little girls we were hiking with that the acorn tops can be hats for little dolls. So of course, when we got home, I was inspired to make some tiny dolls for them and use the "hats" we found. I love to spend my evenings with a pile of hand sewing in my lap.

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I came home a week ago and we are still waiting for the baby. I am so looking forward to making the trip back to see the little sweetie when she decides to come out of hiding, and to give my grandson the acorn hat doll I am making for him.

1 comment:

.::. ariane phillips .::. said...

Those dolls are great! Hope you get to go back and see your grandson soon! And he is such a cutie!