Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Things of fall.

I took Max for a walk to the beach yesterday. The path is lined with trees and I picked these cute little acorns. The color is so great. I'm still trying to think of something to do with them.

If there were a fall wedding coming up they would make really nice boutonnieres.

Speaking of fall... that makes me think of sweaters...

I love making things from felted sweaters. I pre-ordered Betz White's book Warm Fuzzies, and can't wait till it gets here.

Last night I made some felted sweater roses from Katheryn Tidwell Bieber's book Felt It! Stitch It! Fabulous!

Fall has always been my favorite season. Out here in California where the seasons don't change dramatically, the subtle changes mean a lot, like the variations in cloud formations, the changing angle of the sunlight, and the crispness in the air.


Raya Carlisle said...

Beautiful images mom! That new camera is getting put to good use. Now that you can add amazing photographs to your arsenal I think you need a flickr acct.

Anonymous said...

gosh, the acorns here in New York are much bigger than those! i have to try some felting...always wanted to do that.

Vallen said...

Lovely sweet, soft fuzzy roses.